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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stab A Fat Bastard For A TV!!! Ever Seen Your Girlfriend Fuck A Demon On A Dancefloor?

Today is Serious Sunday. We're putting all the Black comedy and Splatter Laughs aside tonight. First up to make you feel creeped the fuck out is...

31-Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
Michael Rooker does a great job at being a cold blooded bastard in this film based on Henry Lee Lucas, the real life serial killer. This film is dark and pretty fucking disturbing. It's definitely one of those classics that every horror fan has to watch at least once.

Now to the movie that actually scared the fuck out of me when it came out...

32-Jacob's Ladder (1990)
This is one of my favorite scary movies! While it may not be considered exclusively planted in the Horror genre, it is right up toward the top of my list of films that actually scare me. Not just cheap "jump out" scares, but in a very real, deeply psychological, scar you for fucking life kind of way. The effects and imagery may seem dated by today's standards, but if you haven't ever seen this one, you need to. Don't read up on it, just watch it. I'm not even going to tell you the storyline right now. Just know that you need to see it in the dark.

This is a deleted scene, but it gives you a pretty good representation of the mood of the movie.

So there's two serious and seriously fucked up movies for your Sunday viewing displeasure. As always, thanks for reading!

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