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Friday, September 23, 2011


Hey everyone! My name is the MonsterMan and I am a professional Monster. This is my "blog". My 1st post to be exact. Let me warn you now... I'm not much of a writer. If I catch you in person I might talk your friggin' ears off, and putting words down on paper (digital or otherwise) has not always been my strong suit. As they say though, you have to start somewhere! Plus, the best month of the year is only days away, so I figured it was time to get my ass in gear.  
I love all things Horror. That will be the main focus of this effort. To bring you the best and newest info on what is happening in the Horror world and my daily life as a sarcastic tattooed prick. Be it movies, conventions, real life mayhem, or dark humor. whatever the form, I will do my best to be an entertaining host. I will be making a series of videos soon to accompany the written posts. First order of business though is to make a list for you guys of my selection of a "movie a day" through October and of course leading up to Halloween! I am slaving my ass off over many a hot cigarette to get this sucker done ASAP! So just sit back, relax, snuggle up next to someone you love (or hate, if that's your thing) and the let the nightmares and residual hangovers wash over you.  

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